We have worked with our community to develop our Sustainability Strategy (PDF),which supports our overarching Strategic Plan 2021-2031.
This strategy will strengthen and guide the integration of sustainability practices into our
everyday services and operations.
Our Sustainability Mission
To respond to the needs of the community through a commitment to excellence in leadership, advocacy, best practice governance and service delivery.
Our Role in Sustainability
Improving sustainable practices supports and promotes the health, safety and welfare of our communities and is a responsibility that falls to all tiers of government. It also involves many other sectors: private enterprise, not-for-profit organisations and communities themselves. The way in which council approaches this will depend on the urgency and impact of the issue, the objective it relates to, = who else has a key role and available resources.
We will work respectfully with others and make sure we don’t duplicate efforts. In implementing sustainable practices council will choose from one or more of the following roles:
Delivering – planning and delivery of actions that support a sustainable city.
Partnering – with relevant stakeholders to deliver outcomes that support a sustainable city.
Facilitating – providing key engagement connections and planning to improve attainment of actions that support a sustainable city.
Advocating – for stakeholders to be heard and promoting actions that support a sustainable city.
Our Focus Areas
Our strategy will strengthen and guide the integration of sustainability practices into our
everyday services and operations.
We have identified six key priority areas that will define how we will work towards achieving
sustainability through balancing social, environmental and economic factors – also known as
the triple bottom line. These include:
- Sustainable Cities and Communities – making our city inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
- Responsible Consumption and Production – supporting sustainable consumption and production patterns.
- Climate Action – taking action to combat climate change and its impacts.
- Life on Land – sustainably managing our environment and minimise biodiversity loss.
- Clean Water and Sanitation – ensuring access to clean water and sanitation.
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure – building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industry and foster innovation.
We have adopted these from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals –
providing the framework for us to “think globally, act locally” as we join the international community towards creating a more sustainable future for all. We know we have a long way to go on our sustainability journey – so let’s work together for the long term social, environmental, and economic benefits that come from being focused on sustainability in our community, and beyond.