The Clarence Mountain Bike Park was officially opened in 2009 and is managed by Clarence City Council.

Located in the Meehan Range, the Clarence Mountain Bike Park extends from the Flagstaff Gully Link Road car park, along the northern side of the Tasman Highway to Belbins Road.

Council also has a licence agreement for the public to use tracks on a portion of Hanson land, located above the Flagstaff Gully Quarry.

The map to the right highlights in blue the areas in the Meehan Range that are managed by Clarence City Council. The remainder of the range is managed by the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service.

A skills park close to the main car park offers a pump track and a variety of jumps and features. There is a choice of ride lines so riders can progress from the easy features to more advanced.

The trail network extends throughout the Meehan Range Nature Recreation Area and includes tracks for beginners (green), intermediate (blue) and advanced riders (black).

Ongoing projects


Green Climb in the Clarence Mountain Bike Park 

K’s Choice was constructed to provide an easier climb to the Skyline Fire Trail, but the lack of a green descent meant it had to be made bi-directional until a second IMBA green track could be constructed. Surprisingly K’s Choice has been popular with blue and black level riders so the intention is to turn it into a dedicated descending track if an alternative climb is approved.

Track consultants have identified two options for a green climbing track with a preferred alignment starting from the beginning of the XC loop to connect to the Skyline Fire Trail.  As the track would be located within the PWS Meehan Range Nature Recreation Area and pass through an area of protected Eucalyptus risdonii, there are extensive assessment processes that need to be undertaken and approval is not assured.

These assessments are currently underway and we will provide updates here as the process progresses.


Trail hubs

Designs are being prepared for improving the main trail hubs at the Mornington carpark and Grassy Valley. Consultation will be done on the designs in mid-2024, which will include shelters, seating, signage and proposed modifications to the carpark.

Any queries can be directed to the Tracks Planner Mary McParland at or 03 6217 9716.