Public Open Space Policy

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The primary purpose of our Public Open Space Policy is to ensure the delivery of an adequate, appropriate and consistent approach to public open space to serve the needs of the existing and future population of Clarence. The policy is based on the constraints of the enabling legislation, established planning principles and provides a structured and robust framework to assist with the implementation of other adopted council strategies as they relate to the delivery of public open space and associated networks.

The policy assists agencies, community groups, clubs, developers and residents to understand council’s position and provides guidance on:

  • The assessment of public open space in terms of supply, demand, location and suitability;
  • How to determine when to take a cash contribution in lieu of public open space as part of the subdivision process;
  • The acquisition of public open space;
  • The nature and standard of improvements to public open space required to be completed prior to transfer of the land to council;
  • The management of accumulated public open space cash contributions;
  • When, where and how to spend public open space contributions; and
  • Flexibility where unique circumstances warrant it.

Other key public open space related council strategies include:

Public Art

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We are currently revising and updating our Public Art Policy, Guidelines, Assessment Criteria, and application form to align it with council’s Strategic Plan and the provisions of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Clarence.

If you require advice or information in relation to public art, including its provision, maintenance or removal, please contact either  or City Planning on 03  6217 9550 or

Headworks (Developer) Levy Policy

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Headworks refer to a capital contribution paid towards expansion of council infrastructure resulting from a development.

The service demands from new developments are often beyond the capacity of existing infrastructure to maintain current service levels. Headworks charges are applied to address increased development pressures and maintain infrastructure standards within the community.

It is equitable for where new areas are being developed which require existing infrastructure to be expanded, the developers contribute towards the expanding infrastructure capacity to maintain current service levels. The funds are held by council and used for the administration, planning and construction of works, or for the payment of loans to provide reliable infrastructure networks. Where necessary, funds will be allocated to reserve funds for future use.

In August 2007, council adopted the Headworks Levy Policy. At the time council was responsible for water and sewerage assets, however since 1 July 2009 these asset classes were transferred to Southern Water, now TasWater. For the purpose of the policy, please ignore references to water and sewerage assets.  This policy is currently being reviewed.

Key principles underpinning the policy are:

  • Need: the infrastructure is necessary for the current and/or future community
  • Demand: the proposal results in the capacity of existing infrastructure to be exceeded
  • Equity: past, present and future users pay a fair share
  • Probity: processes will be transparent and accountable

The headworks charge is applied to new developments which place demands on infrastructure, proposed or existing. Any development creating additional lots, or a change of use of a property that increases the demand on infrastructure, will be required to make a relevant contribution. Only infrastructure directly relevant to the new development areas or zones is subject to the policy.

Asset groups and infrastructure included in the charges:

  • Stormwater, land, wetlands, trunk drainage (watercourses, open drains and pipes), gross pollutant traps, water sensitive urban design elements;
  • Transport (local government roads) – land, arterial and collector roads (including associated roadside infrastructure), intersection treatments, sealing, widening, cycle paths, local area traffic management.
  • Recreational facilities land, walkways (including board walks), wetlands, equipment, landscaping, shelters, barbeques; and
  • Parking – land, car parks (single or multi storey), on-street parking.

Roads, utility services, and open space provisions required by the planning scheme and directly servicing individual lots or premises, remain the responsibility of the developer.

The charge is determined per equivalent tenement (or household) at the time of payment. Non-residential uses are converted to equivalent tenements using industry based criteria, or where possible, actual trend data. This way all developers pay an equitable share for infrastructure, existing or proposed, serving their development.

Equivalent tenement factors are listed in the policy and are calculated by applying industry guidelines and actual data. Charges will be determined to match supply or service zones benefiting from the infrastructure. Existing, proposed and potential development within those supply/service zones will be included in calculations to determine the respective charge per equivalent tenement.

Generally, payment will be necessary prior to the sealing of final plans, issue of the Certificate of Approval (Strata Schemes) or commencement of an intensified use.

For more information on your headworks charge or levy, contact our Development Engineer on 03 6217 9500.

Clarence Parking

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Clarence Interim Car Parking Plan (Applicable to Clarence Interim Planning Scheme 2015)

The Clarence Interim Planning Scheme 2015 introduced new car parking requirements, including new quotas for each use category. For typical businesses in the Business Zones, the rates of car parking provision have increased.  While new performance criteria allows council to vary the required numbers, there is no guidance on how this can be exercised fairly and consistently.

This policy allows council to offer certainty that parking requirements will be no more than would have been required for that use under the former Clarence Planning Scheme 2007.

Clarence Interim Car Parking Plan

Clarence Car Parking Plan (Applicable to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme)

Under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme’s Parking and Sustainable Transport Code, the Acceptable Solution at Clause C2.5.1 – [A1 (a)] specifies the number of carparking spaces to be provided  – unless another number is set in an adopted parking plan for the area.  At its meeting on 7 May 2018 council adopted a Clarence Car Parking Plan for the purposes referred to in Clause C2.5.1.

The plan applies to the Central Business, General Business, Local Business, Particular Purpose and Commercial zones and prescribes that:

  • Despite the car parking rate specified for a particular use within Table C2.1 to Clause C2.5.1, the maximum number of car spaces required shall be no more than would have been required for that use under the Clarence Planning Scheme 2007.
  • In circumstances where on site car parking demand cannot be provided on site, or is undesirable to do so, a cash in lieu payment for those spaces not provided may be considered.

Clarence Car Parking Plan

Richmond Townscape Study

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This study sets standards for civil works such as driveways, crossovers and pavements to enhance and protect the historic integrity of the Richmond Village townscape and environs through streetscape planning.

Richmond Townscape Study


Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan

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The Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan (LAP) has been developed by Niche Studio for Clarence City Council (CCC) with the assistance of Entura, Urban Enterprise, relevant Government agencies, service authorities, major stakeholders and the local community.

The report has been prepared in accordance with the current Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Clarence (2021). The LAP informs the ongoing placemaking and public realm strategies for Seven Mile Beach, with a strong emphasis on protecting and enhancing special qualities of the town valued by the local community.

Placemaking and great places generally share four common elements (refer Figure 1): high quality uses and activities; resulting engagement and sociability; connectivity through safe access and linkages and a place where you want to dwell, and feel comfortable. The LAP and accompanying reports identifies strategies and recommendations to help reflect the high quality aesthetics of Seven Mile Beach and continue to support the local area as a great place. The LAP aims to:

  • Set out plans to guide the delivery of quality urban environments in accordance with Tasmanian
    Government State and Local policy requirements.
  • State the vision for how land should be developed and desired outcomes to be achieved.
  • Outline the objectives and strategies for land use and development, open spaces, recreation,
    commercial and community services and facilities, to meet the needs of the local community and
    visitors to the Study Area.
  • Guide urban design and treatments for streetscapes, public spaces and infrastructure and
    identifies any new infrastructure requirements, in addition to recommending any future
    amendments to the STRLUS.
  • Assist in identifying capital works and community service investments.

View the Seven Mile Beach Local Area Plan

View the details of the consultation on the Your Say website

Lauderdale Structure Plan

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This structure plan is a long term plan for the use and development of Lauderdale. This plan provides a framework for actions, some of which may require further project work involving detailed investigation and design, before they can be implemented. Broadly this structure plan builds on several important reports and plans to provide a framework for the following key elements in the growth of Lauderdale:

  • Expansion of the urban growth boundary and associated planning scheme modifications.
  • Provision for a neighbourhood activity centre with a large supermarket and associated specialty shops to serve the Lauderdale community and surrounding suburbs, from Acton Park to Opossum Bay.
  • Provision for expansion of the residential area along the main collector linking the South Arm Highway to Bayview Road.
  • Improved movement systems, including public transport, bicycles and pedestrian access, improved connections between commercial properties and to public land.
  • Enhanced streetscapes to provide a high standard of residential and commercial amenity.
  • Climate change responses for public land, including managing beaches as well as supporting development controls to protect buildings from inundation and coastal erosion events in the future.
  • Development coordinated with the supply and connection of reticulated services.

Lauderdale Structure Plan

Other relevant documents include:

Bayfield Street Rosny Park Temporary Street Furniture Guide

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The purpose of this guide is to assist Bayfield Street businesses when seeking council approval for temporary outdoor furniture. The guide identifies the style, materiality and aesthetic standards for temporary furniture, so that it is in keeping with the revitalised appearance of Bayfield Street and enhances the business.

Bayfield Street Rosny Park Temporary Street Furniture Guide

Rosny Park Urban Design Framework

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Rosny Park is the focal point of Clarence. As the city’s commercial, administrative, and cultural centre, it contains a wide range of retail and commercial businesses, health and community services as well as the major transit services and public offices and recreational facilities, which serve a large regional hinterland.

The Rosny Park Urban Design Framework (UDF) will coordinate the implementation of relevant previous and ongoing projects, including the planning scheme design controls, car parking, streetscaping, traffic management and public art and also fill the gaps between projects.

The purpose of the UDF is to provide for:

• Memorable public spaces for people.
• Shops, offices and services that attract customers to the centre.
• A consolidated centre, providing for safe, efficient and comfortable movement between connected businesses and spaces.
• The ability to accommodate change to meet business format trends, ensuring the centre remains relevant, active and growing.

Rosny Park Urban Design Framework

Stormwater Management in New Developments Procedure

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This Procedure has been prepared to guide stormwater management in new developments under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme.

It has been developed to ensure stormwater management and the protection of the council stormwater system is appropriately considered and applied to developments.

For clarity, this Procedure does not apply to existing development. It was adopted by council on 30 August 2021.

You can download the Stormwater Management in New Developments Procedure here.