South Arm TAS 7022, Australia

Dog exercise area legend

Under effective control
On lead
Seasonal restrictions
Training area

Dog owners are reminded that when a dog is not on a lead, it must be kept under effective control.

Effective control means having your dog:

  • In close proximity,
  • Within line of sight, and
  • Immediately responsive to an owner’s command.

For public land not specifically declared under the provisions of the Dog Control Act 2000, and where land is not already defined under Section 28 of the Act as a prohibited public area, a dog is required to be under ‘effective control’.

Dog waste bins

Dog waste bins are located in many locations around our city in popular dog walking areas. Please use these bins to access waste bags and to deposit any dog litter. It is an offence not to clean up after your dog, and on the spot fines will be issued to anyone not cleaning up after their dog, or leaving a filled dog poo bag behind.

Under effective control exercise areas

  • Regional parks and bushland areas, which have not declared to be on-lead, or restricted to dogs, such as the Waverley Flora Park and many suburban parks. Please check local signage.

On lead exercise areas

  • Multi-user pathways (including areas immediately adjacent to the track to a distance of 2 metres)
  • Nature recreation areas (managed by Parks and Wildlife Service)
  • All dune access tracks
  • South Arm Oval

Restricted areas

Dogs are not permitted on the following council managed beaches between 10.00am and 6.00pm, from 1 December to 1 March each year.  At all other times, dogs may be exercised off lead, but must remain under effective control.

  • South Arm Beach

Prohibited areas

  • Dune areas of exercise beaches and any dune track that runs parallel to the foreshore
  • Sporting recreation grounds and perimeters.
  • Any grounds of a school, preschool, kindergarten, crèche or other place for the reception of children without the permission of a person in charge of the area
  • Any shopping centre or any shop
  • Any area within 10 metres of a children’s playground