Over 400 people have turned out for a public meeting to share their views and vote on several motions regarding the proposed AFL/AFLW High performance Centre in Rosny.

The meeting was held in response to a petition submitted by the Save Rosny’s Parks group at the Clarence City Council meeting on 18 March 2024. The petition cited concerns over the proposed AFL/AFLW High Performance Centre’s site locations in Rosny and requested a public meeting.

On the night, the room heard from two representatives of Save Rosny’s Parks, alongside Clarence City Council Mayor Brendan Blomeley, CEO Ian Nelson and representatives from the Department of State Growth and the Tasmanian Football Club.

The meeting voted on six motions put forward by the petitioner, Save Rosny’s Parks.

  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That the level of consultation undertaken by Clarence Council with residents does not constitute comprehensive community consultation and was insufficient for such a significant issue.
  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That this meeting opposes the use of Charles Hand Memorial Park and Rosny Parklands for an AFL High Performance Training Centre, as approved in principle by Clarence City Council.
  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That Clarence City Council starts a new, comprehensive and widely publicised consultation within the Clarence community on alternative sites for an AFL High Performance Training Centre.
  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That Charles Hand Memorial Park and Rosny Parklands are sympathetically developed according to the City Hearts Plan in continued consultation with the community.
  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That until it is confirmed by Parliament that an AFL stadium will exist in Hobart, no site works in preparation for the High- Performance Training Centre is to commence at any selected location in Clarence.
  • The meeting moved to carry the motion: That council rescinds its vote of 11th of December (see Appendix B) authorising the CEO to submit a proposal for two site options and to negotiate terms for a Heads of Agreement with State Growth.

A report will be prepared on the public meeting and put to the next Council meeting on Monday, 27 May. The report will include all motions carried for Council to note.

Clarence City Council Mayor Brendan Blomeley said the meeting was democracy in action.

“This was a unique opportunity to walk through the process together and ensure that all voices, on all sides, were aired and heard,” he said.

“Everyone here tonight is passionate about this community and its future, and in a healthy democracy these conversations are vital.

“In the past few weeks, we have received 362 written submissions from the community, and tonight we continued to listen to our community.

“Council will seriously take on board what we heard tonight from a segment of the community, and I look forward to discussing the motions passed by those who attended the meeting, with my fellow Councillors at Council’s next meeting.”

A recording of the meeting will be available via Clarence City Council’s website in the coming days.