Parking where there are no parking signs or lines

  • Park parallel, and as close as you can to the kerb or side of the road.
  • Park the same direction as the flow of traffic along the side of the road.
  • Leave a gap of at least one metre between your car and vehicles in front or behind you (where there are no parking bays).
  • Parking is prohibited within three metres of continuous dividing lines or a median strip.
  • If there is no dividing line on a street, you must leave at least three metres of road for other vehicles to pass.

On-street parking

The time you can legally occupy an on-street parking space is shown on parking signs throughout the city. The parking time starts as soon as your vehicle stops in the bay. This standard applies in all Australian states and territories.

Parking Sensors
Many areas of our city have parking sensors which are identified by a small number plate on the ground. City Rangers regularly patrol parking in high use areas and infringements are issued on vehicles which overstay the sign posted time limit.

Bellerive Oval Parking

When major events are held at Bellerive Oval (formerly Blundstone Arena) parking restrictions are put in place. This includes additional disability parking spaces, taxi zones, buses, police parking and changes to the timed parking in surrounding streets. 

For further information on dates of upcoming events see the Bellerive Oval website.

Parking HotlineTo report any illegal parking during an event at Ninja Stadium, please phone 6217 9589. Please note this number is only manned during events at Ninja Stadium outside council business hours.

Parking fines

Information on your options after receiving a parking infringement are available on the back of the infringement notice.

You can learn more about Tasmanian parking rules by viewing the Road Rules 2019 Part 12 – Restrictions on Stopping and Parking.

Apply to have your fine reviewed

You can apply for council to review your parking fine and in some instances the fine may be withdrawan.

Apply using the form below – the form also contains details about eligible circumstances for withdrawing our parking fine.