Why was my bin rejected of has a sticker on it?
Sometimes bins may not be emptied because they do not comply with bin presentation obligations as laid out in council’s Waste and Resources recovery Service Policy and a brightly coloured sticker may be placed on your bin.
This may occur if:
- The bin is overfull or overweight: there is also a maximum weight collection limit of 80kg for residential waste and recycling, and 110kg for residential green waste.
- The bin is contaminated: a mix other types of material in your recycling or green waste bin will not be collected.
- It is a non-council bin: only waste, recycling and green waste bins that display our logo will be collected.
- You put out too many bins for your property: bins presented for collection that are above the quantity of bins identified for your property will not be collected.
Please contact the dedicated waste support hotline operated by Cleanaway on 1800 329 084 for further assistance in the event your bin has been stickered.
When is my bin collected?
Search your address here to find your waste collection dates.
Please note you must type your unit and/or street number in first followed by your street name in order for the search function to return results, then click the correct address from the drop list that appears.
What do I do if my bin was missed?
If your think your bin may have been missed you can call the dedicated waste support hotline operated by Cleanaway on 1800 329 084.
How to place bins for collection
- Put your bins out the evening before or prior to 6:00am on collection day.
- Place your bins on clear ground at the road verge or on the footpath close to the kerb edge next to your driveway.
- The handle should face your property, and the council logo should face the road.
- Lids are to be fully closed and not overfilled (collection may be rejected).
- Do not place rubbish on top of or beside the bin (collection may be rejected).
- In severe weather – such as high winds ensure:
- your bins aren’t out too early
- are closed flat
- put in most sheltered location

Too much rubbish for your bins?
If your bin is overfilled and the bin lid is not closed it cannot be collected.
You can request a larger bin or an extra bin for an additional service fee – contact council on 03 6217 9500.
Alternatively, you can take it to the Mornington Park Waste Transfer Station.

Changing bin size
Property owners can request a bigger or smaller bin from us. If you are renting, you will need to ask your landlord or real estate agent to contact us and give permission as fees/rebates may apply, which will be adjusted to the property rates.
A change to your bin size will either increase or decrease your collection charge on your rates. A supplementary rates notice will be mailed to you advising the adjustments to the rates charges.
If you are upgrading your bin size, you will need to pay the extra amount which will be pro‑rated for the remainder of the financial year.
If you are downgrading, a credit will be applied to your rates.
Request a new bin by contacting council on 03 6217 9500.
Do you have a special Medical Consideration?
Special Consideration for medical requirement (bins)
Use this form if you require a new or larger bin due to medical requirements. This must be completed by the property owner or manager.
Damaged, lost or stolen bins
We offer a free bin repair service for broken bin lids, wheels and pins.
We can also replace bins if they have a broken body, have been burnt, stolen or accidentally dropped into the collection truck.
Please call the dedicated waste support hotline operated by Cleanaway on 1800 329 084 to schedule a repair or replacement.
Requesting an extra bin or bins for a new house
If you are the owner of a property or an agent authorised to act on their behalf, you can arrange for new or additional bins for the property.
Price list
Ongoing yearly rates charges
Waste | Recycling | Green | |
80L | $119 (incl $15 waste levy*) | N/A | N/A |
120L | $178.50 (incl $22.50 waste levy*) | N/A | N/A |
140L | N/A | $60.50 | N/A |
240L | $357.00 (incl $45 waste levy*) | $104.00 | $52.00 |
See also Council Fees and Charges
Safe disposal of needles and syringes
Although the risk of contracting diseases through injuring yourself with a discarded needle is extremely low, it is important that appropriate care is taken when handling and disposing of them.
What do I do if I find a discarded needle or syringe?
- If unsure, do not touch the sharp. Contact our Environmental Health team during business hours for advice on 03 6217 9570.
- If found on public land call us for collection between 8.00am – 5.00pm or call Tasmania Police radio room on 131 444 for out of hours.
- If found on private property, it is the responsibility of the owner to dispose of the sharps in the appropriate manner, which may mean contacting a commercial operator at their own expense.
- If bags of garbage that may contain sharps are found on private property do not attempt to sort the garbage from the sharps, contact us or a commercial contractor at your own expense.