A safe community is everybody’s business. A safe community is about far more than illegal behaviour and risk – it is about a connected community, where people feel celebrated, accepted and valued. 

Everyone can contribute to making our communities safer, and helping others feel safe, by being kind, open and friendly and being committed to acting against unsafe or illegal behaviour.

Council’s Community Safety Plan 2016-2021 guides our work with our partners and the community to implement strategies and take action to improve safety, and feeling safe, for everyone in Clarence.

Current areas of focus are:

See also Emergency management.

Homelessness support

Lack of affordable and supported accommodation options is a serious issue across Tasmania.  With living costs rising and increasing pressures in the housing and rental markets, access to affordable housing is at crisis point.

Homelessness is a complex issue and is not restricted to those without a dwelling to live in.  It also includes living in insecure or temporary accommodation, emergency shelter accommodation, ‘couch surfing’ (temporarily sleeping at the homes of family/friends), sleeping in overcrowded dwellings, as well as improvised dwellings such as sheds, tents or sleeping out.

In the current housing crisis, homelessness can affect anyone, at any time.  The loss of employment, break-down of relationships, or a landlord selling the house you are renting, could all result in an inability to find, access or afford housing.

Tasmania has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the country, with a total of 2,350 people identified as experiencing homelessness, according to the 2021 census results.  This figure is up from 1,622 in 2016, however the problem is understood to be largely underreported.   In Clarence municipality, it is estimated that there could be anywhere from 60 to 100 people experiencing homelessness at any given time.

Clarence City Council has a process to respond appropriately to homelessness on public land, and is committed to supporting those experiencing homelessness, wherever possible.

We do this by engaging with housing outreach and support services that operate within the Clarence municipality, as well as supporting the various organisations within the municipality that provide information, food, and other resources.

What support services and resources are there available?

Vinnies Loui’s Van attends Clarence at the following sites each week:

  • Clarendon Vale Neighbourhood Centre – Tuesdays at 5:45PM – 6:00PM
  • Warrane Mornington Neighbourhood Centre – Tuesdays at 6:10PM – 6:30PM
  • Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre – Wednesdays at 7:30PM – 7:45PM

For more housing services see Housing Connect website

If you would like to discuss this further please contact Clarence City Council on 03 6217 9500.

Child Youth Safety Policy

At Clarence City Council we care about children and young people’s safety and wellbeing.

We have zero tolerance of child abuse and harm. All safety concerns, allegations and reports are taken seriously in line with our policies and procedures, and in compliance with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.