Council will begin their Hazard Reduction Burns across the region.

The planned burns will occur throughout Autumn at a number of locations including:

  1. Waverley Flora Park: on Tuesday 23-24 April and 30 April – 1 May
  2. Pilchers Hill Reserve: on Monday 6 May off Walana Street Geilston Bay
  3. Bedlam Walls/Tarkara Limuna – Burns ill occur on one of these days depending on weather – Tuesday 7, or 8 or 9 May – Tarkara Limuna track will be closed during burn for safety.
  4. Brinktop Reserve, Brinktop Rd, Richmond – 20 or 21 May.
  5. Roscommon Reserve, Lauderdale – 21 and 24 May.
  6. Mortimer Bay
  7. Natone Hill
  8. Glebe Hill Reserve
  9. Bedlam Walls
  10. Rokeby Hills Reserve
  11. Wiena Reserve

The timelines for these burns vary as they are highly dependent on weather conditions to ensure community and staff safety.

Planned burns are carried out to reduce fuel loads and help maintain the environment in the reserves. Bushfire fuel is managed by slashing and manual removal. We also maintain fire breaks along reserve edges and fire trails within reserves to ensure access by Tasmanian Fire Service vehicles.

You can find out more about this on our Bushfire Management webpage.