
Begonia Street Lindisfarne – Road Sealing and Traffic Calming

3 February 2025 - 31 March 2025

Works to upgrade the gravel road section of Begonia Street, Lindisfarne will begin in February.

Construction is estimated to take up to 7 weeks or until 19 March 2025 – this timeframe is weather dependent.

The works include extending the sealed section of Begonia Street up to Flagstaff Gully Road, installing four speed humps, upgrading the existing table drain and stormwater infrastructure, constructing a new traffic island at the Flagstaff Gully intersection and improving delineation and signage.

During works, the unsealed section of Begonia Street will be temporarily closed to all traffic between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm.

The road will reopen to traffic after hours. Access to affected local properties will be maintained throughout. During the concluding stages of the works, the road will be open during work hours with one lane operating under shuttle flow traffic management as necessary.

Council has engaged TasNetworks to extend street lighting on this section of Begonia Street to improve visibility. These works are also expected to commence soon (date yet to be confirmed).

Hours of Disruption: 7am and 5pm on weekdays

Disruption Type: Road closures during construction works


Beach Street storm water upgrade project

28 January 2025 - 30 April 2025

January 2025 update – works recommence  

Work to complete the Beach Street stormwater project will soon begin, with the project expected to restart on Tuesday, 28 January 2025 and be completed by end of April 2025. 

The project was postposed in June 2024 due to the impact work would have on the Spotted Handfish spawning season.  

These construction works include the installation of a large-scale, permanent stormwater pipe at the end of Beach Street, through the sand dune and into the River Derwent. Once complete, the upgraded stormwater system will reduce the risk of flooding of the road and private properties during heavy rainfall events. 

To ensure community safety during the works, part of Bellerive Beach and the Clarence Foreshore Trail, as well as surrounding roads and carparks will be temporarily closed. 

Please see details of the closures below.: 

  •          Bellerive Beach will be closed at the area where works are being conducted – between the entrance west of Beach Street and the entrance at High Street. You will still be able to access the beach, however detours will be in place for the section where the works are conducted. 
  •          The Clarence Foreshore Trail will be closed to all users at the section at the end of Beach Street, signage will be in place to detour users via Luttrell Avenue.
  •          Beach Street will be temporarily closed between Church Street and Luttrell Avenue and Luttrell Avenue will be temporarily closed between Beach Street and Facy Street. Access will be available for local traffic only.

 Residents can also expect: 

  • reduced speed limits on local roads 
  • onstreet parking restrictions 
  • temporary fencing, road barriers and signage to provide separation of the construction zone from the public. 

Construction works will require use of the contractor’s temporary site compound on the corner of Wentworth Street and Alexandra Esplanade. This compound will be removed and the area remediated as soon as practical following completion of the works. 

As part of the reinstatement of the site, Bellerive Beach and the sand dune will be reconstructed to match the pre-construction condition. Erosion control matting and new plantings will be installed in the sand dunes and the affected section of the Clarence Foreshore Trail will be reconstructed.   

If you have any questions, please contact City of Clarence – Contact Us. 


Hours of Disruption: On-going - Monday to Friday

Disruption Type: Changed traffic, parking, pedestrian conditions


Backhouse Lane Cambridge – Road upgrade

9 September 2024 - 30 June 2025

Works have begun on the road upgrade of Backhouse Lane Cambridge.

The purpose of these works is to upgrade Backhouse Lane from Kennedy Drive to the turning circle at the end of the road to provide a width and condition suitable to its current use, including the provision of stormwater drainage and a footpath.

Works will commence Monday 9 September 2024 for a period of approximately 30 weeks- weather dependant.

The project will be completed in two stages:

  1. Stage 1 (September 2024) will be in the section between No. 100 Backhouse Lane and the turning head at the end of the lane and includes tree clearing, service locations and trenching for the Telstra and NBN services relocation along the length of Backhouse Lane.
  2. Stage 2 (January 2025) works involve pavement reconstruction adjacent to the Barilla Rivulet bridge (north side).

These works will require a short-term closure of the bridge from 10:00am to 2:00pm, Wednesday 29th January.

Disruption Type: Changed traffic conditions, road closures, bridge closure


Pass Road Upgrade Project

1 January 2024 - 31 July 2025

Council is currently planning upgrade works on Pass Road, Rokeby, between Glebe Hill Road and Connor Place. It is intended the upgrading work from Winterborne Road to Connor Place be undertaken in 2024-2025, subject to contractor availability, with these works to be followed by the upgrading work from Glebe Hill Road to Winterborne Road.

Council plans to improve and widen the road so that it is more suitable for the increased traffic and type of vehicles using the road. Additionally, a shared path is to be provided on the western side of Pass Road from Glebe Hill Road to Winterborne Road with allowance for a possible future shared path from Winterborne Road to Connor Place.

The road widening will also require the relocation of some underground services and overhead power lines and poles.

For additional information please contact council’s Project Manager Mark Painter on 03 6217 9734 or

Hours of Disruption: Monday to Friday work hours

Disruption Type: Changed traffic conditions