A modern, Inclusive Sports Facility to Support Growth and Grassroots Participation.

The new Community Sports Pavilion at Anzac Park in Lindisfarne is a priority sporting and strategic project for Clarence City Council and the wider region. In development since 2019, the project will replace the ageing, non-compliant sports pavilion with a modern, double-story building that will serve as a marquee sporting hub. Featuring fit-for-purpose facilities, the pavilion will support grassroots sports participation, from junior levels through to elite state and national-level competitions.

Anzac Park is a regional sporting precinct that boasts twin ovals and serves as the home of the Lindisfarne Cricket Club and Lindisfarne Senior and Junior Football Clubs, collectively accommodating over 1,100 registered players, including more than 250 women and girls and 800 junior players.

The venue regularly hosts state-level Australian Rules Football matches and national Second XI cricket games, making it a vital hub for both community and elite sports. However, the existing pavilion, now over 30 years old, no longer meets contemporary facility guidelines, nor does it adequately cater to the needs of women, girls, or junior players.

The City of Clarence have undertaken extensive feasibility investigations since the project inception, exploring multiple design options and development of a concept design in close consultation with resident clubs and stakeholders. A detailed, peer-reviewed report estimates the project cost at $13.23 million if constructed in 2025. Financial support from the Federal Government is essential to deliver this transformational project.  

Council has fully funded the design process for the new Pavilion, with detailed design ready to commence in early 2025. Construction timing is contingent on Council securing funding.

Project cost overview

Total Project Cost$13.23m
Funding Sought$13.23m
LocationAnzac Park, Lindisfarne
Project TimelineThis exciting and important project is ready to proceed, and Council could expedite the tendering and design process to deliver a completed pavilion within 3 years of a funding announcement. 
Impact of FundingThe project will not progress without further funding support.