- Walking: Moderate
- Mountain biking: Easy
Length: 8km
Time: 2.5 – 3 hours
Parking: Morimer Bay Reserve carpark (off Gellibrand Drive, Sandford)
Dogs: Under effective control (Please obey signage. Effective controls means your dog is in close proximity, in line of sight, immediately responds to your voice command. If not, leave your dog on lead)
Start with an easy walk or ride on level tracks through tranquil Mortimer Bay reserve to the June Graham Track and climb up towards Gellibrand Drive.
Follow the Gellibrand West Track until you reach the road crossing point at Pawtella Close and head uphill to the start of the Silver Peppermint Track at the end of the cul-de-sac. The Silver Peppermint Track climbs steadily through Silver Peppermint eucalypts at the foot of Mt Augustus before descending steeply to Roma Place. Cross Gellibrand Drive to the Gellibrand West Track and continue south to the Gorringes entrance to Mortimer Bay Reserve and follow the Grasslands Track back to the carpark.
Combine this with the Mortimer Bay circuit for an extra long walk or ride.
- Horse riding
- Mountain biking
- Walking
- Dogs on lead
Warning: Give way to horses and use your voice to communicate with their riders when passing. Bike riders need to ride at an appropriate speed so they can stop and give way when encountering others. Steep descent on Silver Peppermint Track between Paroa and Roma Place.