We are committed to supporting event activity that connects people across all sectors of the community as we contribute to the cultural and economic life of our city.

At Clarence we manage an annual program of public events – through Clarence Arts and Events – and we can provide guidance and assistance to community groups wanting to have a public event in Clarence – including through our Grants program.

A public event is defined as a range of activities including this such as a performance, exhibition, circus, festival, food festival, pageant, regatta, sports event, dance and publicly advertised lecture, school picnic (separate form) or other similar entertainment.

To hold a public event on council land please complete the relevant forms listed below:

There are some associated fees for events – please see page 30 of Council Fees and Charges.

Areas such as the Kangaroo Bay Skate Park stage, Simmons Park stage in Lindisfarne, the Bellerive Boardwalk stage and various community halls are available for hire subject to availability and suitability. For more information, phone us on 03 6217 9500 or contact us here.

Public event on private land

To hold a public event on private land, there may be a requirement for a planning permit.  You are encouraged to apply for a free preliminary planning advice to determine whether planning approval is required or to identify any relevant issues. 

To apply, please complete the Request for preliminary planning advice.

Event information and resources

We have partnered with Public Health Services to create a useful toolkit to help event organisers in planning an event in the community that is more sustainable and healthier.

View the Planning for a Better Event Toolkit for full guide.

Event signage

Regulations around temporary signage on public land is determined by Public Place by-laws – the sets out the guidelines for the placement of all types of advertisement including; posters, sandwhich boards, notices, pamphlets and more.

We have a dedicated temporary signage area in Charles Hand Park, Rosny – to apply please complete this form.

Large scale and permeant sign structures require planning approval – please visit the planning permits webpage for more. Please see the Signage on Council Owned Land and Facilities Policy and Guidelines for more details.

Securing marquees and gazebos

Where a marquee or gazebo is installed for a temporary event it must be anchored or secured with appropriate fixings or bolts in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations. In high winds these structures need to be taken down. Where anchoring or fixing is not available, appropriate weights of 25kgs on each leg must be used for small gazebos, larger weights for larger gazebos.

Look out for trip hazards and note the use of metal pegs is not permitted in parks due to the possibility of hitting irrigation lines.

Selling alcohol

Liquor permits are required for the sale and consumption of alcohol at all public events. For more information, visit the Department of Treasury and Finance – Liquor and Gaming http://www.treasury.tas.gov.au

Please note that council reserves the right to refuse the sale of alcohol on council land.

Smoke free

Under the Public Health Act 1997, the Director of Public Health has the authority to designate classes of public events as smoke-free. A list of these events can be found on the Department of Health website: https://www.health.tas.gov.au/