In 2014 we joined the World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities. This title recognises the work we do to involve and cater to older residents and to be more inclusive to people of all ages.

Age friendly means we are:

  • A place that enables people of all ages to actively participate in community activities.
  • A place that treats everyone with respect, regardless of age.
  • A place that makes it easy to stay connected to those around you and those you love.
  • A place that helps people stay healthy and active, even at the oldest ages.
  • A place that helps those who can no longer look after themselves to live with dignity and enjoyment.

To ensure we maintain this title we are focused on delivering and continually improving factors across eight sectors: outdoor spaces, buildings, transport, housing, social participation, respect, social inclusion, civic participation, employment, communication/information and community support and health services.

This is underpinned with our Age Friendly Clarence Plan 2018-2022 and implemented through the Clarence Positive Ageing Working Group (CPAWG).

Age Friendly projects and services

Live Well, Live Long

Live Well, Live Longis a 10 week FREE, informative, interactive, and educative program that provides a holistic approach to health and wellness (includes a delicious FREE lunch!)

This award-winning program is funded by council and is a partnership between Clarence City Council, the Integrated Care Centre (ICC) and the Tasmanian Health Service.

Dates: 4 February – 8 April and 29 April – 1 July
Time: Tuesdays 12.30pm – 2.30pm
Location: ICC, 16-22 Bayfield Street, Rosny Park

Topics for 2025:

  • Healthy Life
  • Sight and Sound
  • Healthy Feet
  • Happy Body
  • What are the signs
  • Be active
  • Looking after your skeleton
  • Medications
  • Get Going
  • Ageing Well

To find out more about Live Well, Live Long please contact the Clarence Integrated Care Centre (ICC) at Rosny Park on 03 6166 2300.

Ambassadors of the Program

Live Well, Live Long has been recognised for its innovation and success by receiving an Allied Health Award in 2017 for ‘Working in Partnerships’ by the Tasmanian Allied Health Professional Advancement Committee.

With the prize money received, the partnership group made a short video with past participants and presenters to showcase the benefits of the program locally and across Tasmania. As a result of the program’s success, it has now been adopted by the Glenorchy City Council and the City of Launceston.

Eating with Friends

The City of Clarence’s Eating with Friends program is an affordable way to connect with others over
lunch at a local venue. This social eating program has supported the connections of new and old friends for over 20 years.

Lunches are held at different venues in Clarence every month and new people are always welcome. Pick up is also available for residents to book transfer to and from their home and venue for a small fee.

If you’d like to register or find out more, please call council on 6217 9500.

Gentle Exercise Classes

Council sponsors a free gentle exercise program in the city in partnership with Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre.

Please note, we have a new temporary home until further notice at the Rokeby Trust Hall – Church Road, Rokeby.

Every Friday (except public holidays) 9.00am-10.00am – Rokeby Trust Hall – Church Road, Rokeby

Facilitator: Paul Hamilton, a highly qualified fitness leader with years of experience. Paul runs his own business, All About Fitness and facilitates simple, safe, fun and effective exercise classes.

Bookings are essential. To book call Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre on 03 6247 6778.

For more information about this or other age friendly programs in Clarence, please contact council on 6217 9500

Seniors Exercise Park

In 2024, council opened at Seniors Exercise Park at Simmons Park in Lindisfarne. The exercise park enables older adults to build on and rediscover the joy of movement, the benefits of being outdoors, the positive impacts on mental health, and social connections.  

Find out more and visit the Seniors Exercise Park.

Our Shared Space

Our Shared Space is a partnership between the Clarence Positive Ageing working group (CPAWG) and our Youth Network Advisory Group (YNAG). Our Shared Space tackles the issues of safety, the intergenerational divide, and ageism.

The program does this through advocacy, community activities, programs, and partnerships.

For more information contact our Community Planning and Development Officer on 03 6217 9598 or email

Current Initiatives

Our Shared Space: Rosny 

The Our Shared Space program and Rosny Library have partnered to host fortnightly intergenerational sessions. These activities are designed to give older and younger people the opportunity to connect – and enjoy an afternoon snack.

The sessions are held fortnightly from 3.30pm Tuesdays in school terms, with special school holiday sessions.

Upcoming sessions. 

To find out what’s coming up next and to register your interest, please go to our events calendar

Recent Past Initiatives

Clarence Positive Ageing Network (PAN)

This forum is for services and organisations who support older adults in Clarence, to come together and share information. Clarence Positive Ageing Network meet several times a year and new people are always welcome to attend.

2025 meetings are kindly hosted at different organisations across Clarence. All meetings are held from 10.00 am – 11.30 am.

2025 Dates

  • 27 February        Seniors Exercise Park – Simmons Park
  • 8 May                   TasTAFE Warrane campus
  • 28 August            Wintringham – Bellerive
  • 27 November     Uniting AgeWell Community Hub – Rosny

To be added to the email list and RSVP for meetings, please contact our Community Development Officer on 03 6217 9598 or email

Events and Opportunities to connect

  • Seniors week
    An annual week of event in October. The year 2024 will be held during 14-20 October
  • Food Connections
    The program gives participants a chance to meet new people or catch up with old friends while enjoying a wholesome meal at various locations in Clarence. Find out more here.
  • Dementia Friendly Cafes
    Moto Vecchia in Bellerive and Czegs in Richmond have been working with council to create a café space where those with dementia and their caregivers can enjoy a cuppa and yummy snacks with like-minded people.
    The Dementia-friendly café runs weekly sessions:
    Tuesdays – Czegs in Richmond 2.30pm-4.00pm
    Wednesdays – Moto Vecchia 12.30pm-2.00pm.
  • Men’s/Community Sheds
    Council is a proud partner of men’s/community sheds in Clarence, such as the Howrah Men’s Shed, Clarence Plains Community Shed, and the Risdon Vale Community Shed.
    To find out more about men’s/community sheds in the city:
    – Clarence Plains Community Shed – phone 03 6247 8761 (9.00am-3.00pm, Wednesday-Friday) or email
    – Howrah Men’s Shed –
    – Risdon Vale Community Shed – phone the Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre on 03 6243 5752
    To find other sheds in Tasmania:

Age friendly Resources

  • Get Going Guide
    The publication is a valuable resource in helping residents find out about what is going on in our city. It includes information on getting around Clarence and the many activities in the city.
    Click on the following link to view the guide – Get Going Guide.
  • Planting Ahead
    How does your garden grow is a publication that provides information on simple ways to create more easy care, low maintenance, and water-wise gardens.
    Read the How Does Your Garden Grow – Planting Ahead Guide or for more information contact us on 03 6217 9597 or 03 6217 9623.
  • GLAM’d Generations Linking and Making a Difference
    Work with the local community in Clarence who identify as LGBTIQ+ to co-design and deliver an intergenerational art project that raised awareness and created greater understanding of the issues and needs across the diversity of younger and older people of all abilities in the city.
    For more information, please read the GLAM’d Project Report.
  • Be Connected Clarene – digital skills support
    Be Connected offers free digital literacy skills and has many topics to help you stay safe online. Rosny Library offers Be Connected courses as well as neighbourhood centres listed below.

Age Friendly Research

  • aWake Before death
    A collaborative project to promote and educate all people about end-of-life planning
  • Sharing is Caring – Dementia Carers Research
    Council worked with UTAS Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre and the Kiama Municipal Council in New South Wales on a 12 month project to attain stories from the carers of people with dementia. Click here to read more.
  • WHO Global report on Ageism
    In 2016 the World Health Assembly asked World Health Organisation (WHO) to lead a global campaign to combat ageism. WHO collaborated with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the United Nations Population Fund, to develop the Global Report on Ageism 2021. This informs strategies and recommendations for action.
  • Retirement Village Survey and Research Program
    In 2021 and 2022 a survey was held about retirement village living in Australia. The project seeked to identify why older people choose to live in villages and consider how villages could be made more affordable. Read the final report here.
  • Supporting the residential aged care workforce for COVID-19 recovery
    Run by UTAS and partially funded by Clarence City Council, this project examined the impact of COVID-19 on staff working in Tasmanian Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs). This involved a recruitment process commencing in the Clarence local government area and later broadening to incorporate other local government areas across Tasmania. FINAL REPORT now available here.