We are committed to providing an accessible and inclusive community where people of all ages and abilities are not isolated or excluded from being able to reach their full potential.
We aim to respond and provide for infrastructure, services, and facilities for people with disabilities or mobility issues in a coordinated and planned way.
Our guiding principles are:
- All residents, workers, and visitors to Clarence who have a disability or mobility issue have the right of equal access and opportunity to fully participate and contribute to the social, economic and cultural life of the city.
- It is council’s moral and legal responsibility to ensure equity in the provision and access to facilities and services throughout the city.
- Council has a responsibility to raise awareness through education and consultation in order to adequately provide access for the whole community and to ensure that barriers to access are addressed appropriately.
Council also has the Disability Access and Inclusion Working Group who meeting regularly to implement the plan.
Our Projects
We have developed a number of programs and resources that are available for people with specific accessibility needs in Clarence.
Bellerive Access Mat project
In 2023-24, we held a 6-week summer trial of a beach access mat at Bellerive Beach. Since its conclusion the mat is now permanently installed at the beach.
Mobility and access map
The Access and Mobility Map was produced in 2007 to help address practical barriers to access. The map includes the areas of Rosny Park, Bellerive and Richmond. This map is currently under review as part of council’s Universal Information and Hearing & Visual Augmentation Project.
Clarence Access and Inclusion Network
Held up to four times per year this network is an opportunity for service providers and organisations to come together and share information on what is happening across Clarence in access and inclusion. It is an ideal forum to discuss projects and partnerships. If you would like to attend the forum, please contact our community planning and development officer on 03 6217 9728 or email hyan@ccc.tas.gov.au further information.
Companion Card
We are an industry affiliate to the Companion Card which is issued to people with a significant, permanent disability, who can demonstrate that they are unable to access most community activities and venues without attendant care support.
The card can be used at the Clarence Aquatic Centre and venues in the city where council ticketed events are being held. The cardholder will be issued with a second ticket for their companion at no charge.
More information is available at the Companion Card website.
Access and Inclusion Assessment toolkit
This toolkit was developed by council as a unique resource to assist council with general design elements for buildings, facilities, streetscapes, and recreational spaces that deliver more accessible and inclusive facilities for our community. ‘The Human Factor’ supports the key importance of accommodating all people in the community when planning for and creating accessible and inclusive environments.
This document can be useful for anyone who serves their community such as volunteer groups, businesses, builders and planners.
Access & Inclusion Assessment Toolkit – Request a copy form
Please complete the form below to receive a copy of the toolkit.
I Can! radio podcast celebrating people with disability
The impacts and the barriers that people with disability face, are often untold stories but the launch of a new, locally produced podcast series seeks to change that.
The ‘I Can!’ radio series shares the voice of people with disability as they tell their lived experiences of making a difference in employment, sport, housing, inclusive communities and more.
I Can! was an initiative of the Clarence Access and Inclusion Network (CAIN) Forum, facilitated by council.
Key contributors from CAN that have collaborated for this project include Disability Voices Tasmania, Tasmanian Health Service (Health Promotion), Job Life Employment, At Work Australia, Rural Alive and Well Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation), NDIS Mission Australia.
The weekly series was presented by Hobart FM 96.1 on Thursdays at 10.30 am from 29 October through to the 17 December 2020 and can be accessed below.
29 October | You Can Ask That! | Four people with different disabilities Paul, Tony, Kate, Duncan discuss the use of language, access and inclusion. |
5 November | Rural Alive and Well (RAW), ‘Wise Minds’ | RAW’s Pete Owen and Amity Deans discuss mental health and training. |
12 November | Changing Lives through Employment | At Work Australia’s Derek Hagstrom, in discussion with Clive about his journey back to work. |
19 November | Sport for All | Morgan Kent from Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation) in discussion with Joe Chivers a local athlete. |
26 November | Young Leaders, Inclusive Communities | Keren Franks from Young Leaders of Tasmania (YLOT) and Lottie, a YLOT participant in conversation with Lisa Stafford from Queensland University of Technology. This discussion highlights the importance of including young people in the discussion and planning of inclusive communities. |
3 December | Conversations on International Day of People with Disability | Fiona Strahan from Disability Voices Tasmania in conversation with three people on what International Day of People with Disability means to them. |
10 December | Accessible Housing ‘My Story’ | Lee Jordan from council’s Disability Advisory Committee talks about how he made his home accessible and the importance of universal design. |
17 December | Homelessness and Disability | A conversation with services supporting people with disability who experience homelessness. |
Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK)
The MLAK system uses a universal lock and key to allow people with disabilities to access dedicated public facilities 24 hours a day. This could include things like toilets or change facilities through to adaptive playground equipment. It was developed in 1994 to help increase the availability of accessible, clean and functioning public facilities for people that don’t always have the luxury of using standard facilities.
Facilities that are MLAK enabled can be visually identified by dedicated MLAK signage.

In Clarence, almost all of our toilets are open 24/7 and so MLAK locks are only fitted on the Changing Places facilities at Simmons Park, Lindisfarne. They are public toilets with full-sized change tables and hoists to meet the needs of people with severe and profound disabilities. There are over 112 facilities in Australia and these can be located via https://changingplaces.org.au/find-changing-places-toilet/
Liberty Swings – we have one at Simmons Park. People in wheelchairs can safely use these swings. There are located across Australia and there are 5 in southern Tasmania – you can find them at http://www.libertyswing.com.au/index.php/home/find-a-swing-near-you
Obtaining a MLAK Key
Through a Master Locksmith for a small fee or free from Clarence City Council
Eligibility Criteria
One of the following documents:
- Letter from Doctor
- Disability Parking Permit
- Letter of support from a Disability Organisation
- Disability Card
Other Useful Links and resources
- National Public Toilet locations
- Liberty Swing
- Get Going Guide (Accessible transport)